Words and Music by Matt Hanley
Don’t take her clothes to Goodwill
Trendy locals will haunt your day
Sell online, bring in moolah
Check the buyer’s far away
Join a gym, walk a dog
You don’t have one, time to adopt
Nelly’s never coming home
Help me get your life unstopped
Man can’t live on TJ entrees
Take some lessons learn to cook
There’s benefits to classroom instruction
Your next partner’s not in a book
Get a dog, go for walks
Teach him how to roll and give paws
Turn your heart on his wet nose
Think it’s a burden do it because
In doing so you’ll have moved forward
Ideas will come to your head
You’ll be outside your apartment
With no more tears to shed
Stop reading Nellie’s diary
Confront your fears and doubts
There’s a man beneath that sadness
Come on pally I’m taking you out
Take a walk, find a dog
Teach him how to roll and give paws
Fast forward your life my friend
Your hesitant, just do it because
In doing so you’ll see a future
By making that mutt well-behaved
You’ll relearn love and devotion
In doing so you’ll be saved