These are examples of the type of anecdotes and jokey stories I might tell between songs during a live set.
I was giving a lift to an old-school Pilgrim. He wasn’t wearing his seat belt. So I said “hey buckle up!” And he said “yes. it is.”
I joined a softball team. The Paranormal team. The manager asked us our jersey size and position. I said I’m a medium.
I had to rent a car. And you know the company always tries to get you buy extra insurance. But you don’t need to get liability insurance. Do what I did instead — shield your assets.
I try to make my life be like a movie. When I got a concussion. The doctor told me not to fall asleep. It was great. I got to pretend I was in Nighmare on Elm Street.
I have very specific noise complaints. I don’t mind when there’s construction across the street. But last week was hell. They were painting next door.
Why is having an assistant a mark of success, but assisted living regarded as a step backwards?
I parked my car in a bad neighborhood. My Kia was keyed. I had to pay out of pocket to fix it. My insurance co. doesn’t cover alliteration. (Good I wasn’t T-boned in a T-Bird)
Some bars are removing the mirrors from the bathroom, to limit the time people spend in there. But it doesn’t make a difference to vampires. They couldn’t see their reflection anyway.
I asked for the time at a coffee shop. The clerk said it was on the receipt. So I kept the receipt as a cheap watch replacement. But it turns out it’s only correct once per day.
I see some families on the subway, some parents with young kids. It confuses me that parents forbid kids from seeing R rated movies, but they let them see New York’s subway.
NYC rent is very high. But, it’s pretty cheap compared to karaoke rooms.
Climate change is real. The number of Eskimo words for snow is now down to 25.
You see a lot of nut-jobs in the park. I met a genuine Fringe conspiracy theorist. He said the Holocaust museum never happened. And that the Plymouth Landing was staged.
He did have one interesting theory about JFK’s assassination. He said he was killed by a crazed teacher of German.
Y’know how JFK mangled the expression “ich ben berliner” so it translated “I’m a Jelly Donut?” Well, that angered a lot of people who care about German grammar. And one of them was mad enough to shoot him.
It wasn’t the CIA. It was the grammar police.
I met a Scientologist on the subway. She called the L train the L Ron.
I saw some demonstrators in Union Square. They were raising awareness of the mistreatment of Tibet by China’s government. I feel for them but there’s nothing I can do about it. It’s like if the Pilgrims stood around giving out leaflets to the Indians about their complaints with the King of England.
I’m careful about what I eat, and where I eat. I was in a diner last week. It was spotless. The bathroom was clean too. And from what I saw of the kitchen it looked like they ran a tight ship. So I was surprised when leaving to see it had a grade of C from the County Health commission. Then I learned that they’re now including the condition of the staff’s mental health in the ratings. Apparently the servers are narcissistic thieves. And the dishwasher has anger issues.
© 2024 Matthew P. Hanley