Words and Music by Matt Hanley



Long-ass line for this hip lounge goes round the block
You’ve been standing since ten o’clock
Well you’re in luck. Wait no more
I’ll get you through the door

Partner, go in with me
My life would only be complete,
If you go in with me

Save dough living together. Let’s look at brownstones
My cuz at Wells will give us a loan
Can’t spring ahead paying man rent
A house is an investment

Partner, go in with me
My life would be complete,
will you go in with me

Open doors Open doors
Never gonna wait in line
Our own place Our own place
We could stay in and drink wine

Dear Partner. Dear Partner
Life’ll be amped with glee.
Open doors. Our own place.
Partner please go in
Please go in with me

© 2022 Matthew P. Hanley