Words and Music by Matt Hanley



First burger in 14 weekends.
Dating a girl who’s always vegan.
She has me eating from her palm.

Red meat’s such a delight
It’s only one meal of the night
My hormones were out of whack.
And I don’t want to go back

She has a b.s. detector
Knows when I try to deflect her
Questions about where I been and what I ate.

I’ll sit tight in this Wendy’s.
Another round couldn’t hurt me
A double or triple doesn’t really count

I’ll need to bring my appetite.
She’s cooking up veggie’s tonight
From her garden.
But I didn’t stop at a fourth
This visit is far from a short

I can’t believe that I finished
If she finds out we are finished
Maybe Wendy’s the girl who’s meant for me.

© 2024 Matthew P. Hanley