Words and Music by Matt Hanley
Whoa Christmas
Whoa Christmas
Postcards arriving from cousins and sis
Boasting the growth of our clan
Co-workers fuss about traveling home
I have no such plan
Whoa Christmas
Whoa Christmas
It’s again that friggin’ time of year
It’s again that friggin’ time of year
Stringing up snowflakes and caramel balls
Just as we did as boys
Tiptoed to spy on mama and pa
Assembling our toys
Whoa Christmas
Whoa Christmas
It’s again that friggin’ time of year
It’s again that friggin’ time of year
Stupid Poinsettia cracked candy canes
Opening days that turn blue
We had a quarrel no time to forgive
I miss you
Whoa Christmas
Whoa Christmas
It’s again that friggin’ time of year
It’s again that friggin’ time of year
Whoa Christmas
Whoa Christmas
It’s again that friggin’ time of year
It’s again that friggin’ time of year
© 2021 Matthew P. Hanley (BMI)